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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Circles and Squares

Sometimes you just have to cut stuff up!

I have been saving colorful catalogs and art magazines for years and I've been itching to cut them up. I love the idea of using recycled materials. The paper tube art piece at the top of this blog is made from cut up art magazines.

I cut up circles and squares insprired by a video I saw on Folt Bolt advertising a class by Carla Sonheim. I'm tempted to take Carla's class called Daily Creative Practice....but I have my own ideas for 2018 I want to focus on!

I think there's potential for an interesting collage from all this mess.

I realized after the fact that it's exactly like a magazine collage my sister Marilyn made for a creative exchange we did years ago. I've always loved it. You can read about her collage here which was inspired by Kandinsky's Circles.

I discovered during my cutting how important the negative space was...the lighter pieces and the ones with writing. I can see here in Marilyn's piece how she did the same helps the colors just pop!

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