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Saturday, December 9, 2017


Inspired by the pine sprigs in my window sill I did little experiment for my December project. I printed an image of a bottle in different sizes on fusible fabric. It may end up be too literal....I need to get a little further along before I decide. 

This is a screenshot of the page I printed on white muslin. When the fusible webbing is ironed on the fabric it has a paper backing. I cut it to 8 1/2 x 11 and fed it right through the printer. Then I peeled the paper off and it was ready to cut and fuse again.  I made the background of the text box for a couple of the "joys" a gradated aqua. 

We'll see....


  1. Hi MaryAnn,
    Do you use an inkjet printer? And do you hand-feed the fabric or place it in the standard paper tray? I want to try printing fused fabric, too!

    1. Yes, I have an inkjet printer. I have hand-fed the fabric but I find that if it has a nice crisp edge I can just place it in the tray. Also....because I'm using it just for artwork I have done anything more than iron it to "set" the image. Let me know if I can help!
