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Friday, December 8, 2017

Light Covers

I finished decorating my tree today....and the Christmas music was rocking in the background.

On a recent shopping trip to Russels Garden Center I came across one of my favorite Christmas tree decorations.....tinsel light covers.  I've had some for years and always have kept my eyes out for more.  They are balls of curly colored wire that you pinch over the light bulbs. I think they're whimsical and fun.

I love the way the lights shines through and reflects off the metal....they're perfect for my colorful tree.
I have a gold and silver set that I often use on my mantle.

I actually have lots of favorite decorations....but I do love these light covers! 


  1. I hate when I can't find something I love...I found this:
    Is this what you're looking for? I hope so! I didn't even know they existed - they are very pretty!

    1. Yes...those are it. It's funny because I've been looking on Amazon all along and they just finally appeared this year. Another friend alerted them to me too so I have purchased more...and now she has them on her tree. They are my favorite decoration....they transform a tree or mantle. Thank you so much for being in touch!!! I love how this blog connects me with people.
