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Thursday, January 4, 2018

Circles and Squares Part Two

I was "party puttering" today during the blizzard getting ready for the church staff party tomorrow night. But this evening I'm catching the blog up on some of my "paper puttering" from this past week if you're interested.

I worked on my cut out circles and squares collage while I was in Maine.

Before I started glueing I auditioned ways to add depth and texture using felt, fabric or buttons. I am, as you know, a big fan of mixed media. I thought all the options had potential.

These circles were a good idea in theory....but I really don't like some of the floss choices....especially the variegated ones. They're too bright. But for the sake of sharing the process...which is the most important's what I did.  I fused batik circles onto weavers cloth and needle punched around the edges. Your can read more about needle punch in this post.

I cut them out leaving about 1/4 inch of fabric which then got clipped. Using white glue I folded the edges to the back.  I think it's kind of cute...and I do like the batik center.  So again....the concept is good. I do think if I do more I won't make such perfect circles....and I'll make them different sizes.

Then I started glueing the background squares using matte medium and a foam brush.  I worked on a repurposed canvas that I covered with gesso....which is good base primer.

Since I was using magazine images the paper was thin and I had to really work to keep it from wrinkling smoothing out with the brush or my finger until there was good contact.  I wanted it a little I didn't match up the sqaures.

Then it was time to start layering on circles.  

This is just round one...I can see areas that need improvement.  I am after all...just winging it...figuring it out as I go. This piece will evolve over time.

When it was dry the next morning I auditioned again....and like expected the needle punched circles were too bright.

But I quite like the wool and buttons. I think the colors are better and I like the cream outer gives it more of that negative space I talked about before. I see some hand stitching in my future...I love making those little medallions. 

So until next time I'm in the studio I'll do what I do best...mull it over. It was time to head home.

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