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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Favorite Number

My favorite number is 3 and today is the 3rd anniversary of this Joyful Puttering blog. 

Who would have thought I could stick with it this long. And...from my perspective there's no end in sight. I love ending my day this way. It's kind of my way of doing a gratitude journal....I guess it's a joy journal of sorts. It doesn't even matter if people read it....but thank you to those who do.  And thank you to those who reach out in person or e-mail or who comment on the blog...I love hearing from you!

If you're a numbers person here are my current's hard not to look once in a while. It's just interesting.

1096 posts (And Paul wondered if I would run out of things to say....ha ha)
34 drafts....yes I start a lot of posts that never make the blog. Too much joy?
48,029 page views to date
40 to 70 average daily views....sometimes more...sometimes less.....66 today so far.

I was intrigued with this week's list of page views by country.  I love the idea of a few people in Russia joyfully puttering.

Paying attention to and sharing the joy that presents itself in my day has changed my life. Today it's a bloom on my Christmas cactus from Cheryl. It sits on my puzzle table so I see it every day. And yes...I still have my tree up....we're having the church staff "after" Christmas party on Friday.

How can you not celebrate this beautiful bloom!!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Wow the Swedes love you!

    1. Thanks Becky....YOU planted the seed. Now you're stuck with me.
