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Thursday, January 11, 2018


Sometimes my creative journey takes me places....sometimes I end up right where I started. It's just the way it is for me. If you've been following this blog for a while this particular journey may sound  familiar.

As I headed into 2018 I had a dilemma.  I still wanted to embrace the monthly Folt Bolt color schemes....but I also wanted to focus on other things. What came to mind was something I've wanted to do for years....put together mixed media inspiration packets...this time based on the Folt Bolt monthly scheme.

After Christmas I played around with the wintry December scheme...made a sample label....and contacted Folt Bolt.

I dialogued with Kriszta who was encouraging and supportive. She's been really great and I've enjoyed all my interactions with her this past year! She was happy to let me use her color strip on the label and it was time to start on January's scheme....which once again....was the whole rainbow.

I pulled papers and trims and bagged up buttons and beads as I was moving supplies into the new studio.  I had a blast. For me this was just as creative as making something.  I love all this stuff...and I sincerely want to share my abundance with other crafters. I signed on to open a Folt Bolt Shop and just needed to get it set up and rolling.

I put together three of these little 5 x 7 packets which fit nicely into a small flat rate box.  My plan was to add as much other stuff into the box that I could based on fabric or papers. I was pretty excited.


At this point I should just say "ditto" to a post I wrote almost exactly two years ago titled Dreaming vs Doing.  I was reminded that I'm not very good at technical stuff...and I'm not a business woman. I'm a doer. I was absolutely paralyzed trying to get the web shop up and running....the nitty gritty makes me crazy. The only reason I have this blog is that my niece Clarke set it up for me. (Thanks again Clarke!) I stayed awake at night thinking about prices and shipping ...and will people be disappointed with what they got.

So I pulled back....slowed down....and I'm going to regroup...AGAIN!  I may stumble onto another "Clarke" who will help me with the technical part or I may find another way.

I'm OK with this. I still love the idea....and I am still going to share my stuff with anyone who asks. It would be nice to make some money....but I don't have to. The text from Dana that I wrote about here came just at the moment I was struggling but was the perfect reminder that I love sharing my stuff.

In the mean time I'm going to do what I normally do....a little of this and a little of that and just let it all evolve naturally.

So if you want or need something....just ask.

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