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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Companion Grove

This was one of those days where I couldn't quite get into my groove....but I still gave it a go.

I'm working on the next small quilt that will hang just above the other purple one.  This one is more of a plum purple and teal inspired by two Kaffe striped fabrics. I wanted a companion grove of skinny trees...but with a little different take so I tried a curved piecing technique for the first time.

Trying to keep it a little more artsy I didn't want my horizon lines to match up and I wanted it a little off center. I'm not wild about the three stair-steps on the right horizon line and I'm not sure about the shapes and spacing of the trees. This was actually my second attempt. If I give it a third go....I'll draw out a plan ahead of time.  This was all done free hand as I went with absolutely no planning.  Is there a lesson here???

My first attempt I had added some teal swatches at the top of the strips....but didn't like them.  In some ways the lines of these trees are better in this one which is why I thought I didn't need a pattern the second time around. I was sure I could do better. Oy!

Both times I started with my background fabrics all sewn together.  I laid the striped fabric on top and cut the curve of both pieces at the same time so they would match up.

Then I flipped the striped fabric over and sewed that seam. I alternated stripes and background cutting the curve for the seams using the same technique.  I know this sounds confusing and my pictures aren't that good...but there's a link below.


I referred to this Red Pepper Quilts tutorial on curved piecing.  My curves are gentle and I'm anxious to try the technique on something a little more curvy.  If you want better instructions and visuals check out the tutorial.

I will give this fresh eyes tomorrow and see if I can make it work....or try it a third time.  Thank goodness it's small.

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