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Thursday, March 22, 2018


"I've read that past and future are a spiral, one coil containing the next and predicting its theme. Perhaps this is so; but my life has seemed to me more a series of closed circles, rings that do not evolve with the freedom of a spiral. For me to get from one to the other has meant a leap not a glide. What weakens me is the lull between, the wait before I know where to jump."  Truman Capote

I have been in Maine most of this week.  I've worked some on my show projects...but I've also been working on a much more important project this week and these last few months....a family project.  It's been a bit of a journey....but big decisions were made today and papers were signed making it all very real.

In just a little over a mother in law Margie will be moving from Colorado, where she has lived almost all of her life, to an independent living facility here in Portland, Maine....just minutes from our condo. It's big leap, it's a brave move, and we're thrilled!   I am very much looking forward to being "her person" on a regular basis.  And....I get to turn another "white box" into a home....Margie's new home. 

This sign was on the office door at the facility:
This is the place. This is the time to JUMP!'s a little evidence of my other project today...lots of color in my waste basket. 

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