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Friday, March 9, 2018

Spring Catalog

I've been playing with Gudrun's World catalog pages....this time from last years spring issue which was filled with lots of watercolor images and bright happy colors. I made this little quilt strip last week which may be too busy....but my favorite little moment is the little folded triangle peeking out at the top left. You can barely see it.....but it got me thinking.

So I started playing with triangles and came up with this little piece this afternoon. There's a fine line between too busy...and just I'll let it sit for a while.

I worked on a piece of stabilizer....tacking with just a touch of glue...then stitching the units as I went.

And I made a really big mess. 

I think there's potential.....if nothing else I'm having fun.

I don't know what it is about this hot scheme...but I'm so drawn to the oranges, yellows, and pinks right now.  The next one will be in cool blues and greens....I love them too!

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