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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Snow Day

Today is a snow day....but it's also International Women's Day celebrating the accomplishments of women all over the world. I love that women seem to be rallying...getting more and more of a voice. I think our future will be better because of it.  

On a lighter note....I had to laugh when I read describes me in way too many ways:

"Yes, I'm a woman, I push doors that clearly say PULL. I laugh harder when I try to explain why I'm laughing. I walk into a room and forget why I was there. I count on my fingers in math. I hide pain from my loved ones. I say it is a long story when it's really not. I cry a lot more than you think I do. I care about people who don't care about me. I try to do things before the microwave beeps. I listen to you even when you don't listen to me. A hug will always help. Yes, I am a woman." author unknown

We got coating of wet heavy snow overnight and it clung to the trees and bushes. It's lovely....but I'm ready for it not to be snowing anymore. But a snow day is a good day to work on the puzzle.

This particular puzzle has been a lot of fun....the detail is pretty special. My grandmother had a pair of stork scissors and my mom had the tomato pin cushion....I recognize so many of the items.  I'm at the point where every time I sit down I can find pieces with very little effort. So I don't sit for very long....I like to stretch out the end.   

We also drove to Maine this afternoon....I love the view out the top of the studio window....especially in the late afternoon light. Happy snow day....and happy International Women's Day!

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