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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Red One

I started the 4th quilt in my series...the red one. I'm tweaking and changing fabrics a bit as I go....still working on the whole "vibe." This one is going to be 16 x I wanted a larger band of quilt blocks as a focal point. It's still very much a work in progress....but this is the basic idea.  Once I get it done I'll back track and finish the other three I've got started....then head to the other end of the spectrum...the purples. Slow and steady. I just found this new Kaffe Fasett stripe....I love the scheme and it tones down all the red and orange. I have an "out of the box" idea I might try on this one.....we'll see.  
I got brave and tried a little free motion quilting on the top orange panel....random and somewhat wonky leaves and loops.  I haven't done this in a while...and I'm not all that great at it...but I think it's OK. I didn't dare practice...I just jumped in. If I had practiced I probably would have convinced myself I couldn't' do it and chickened out.  I'm working on this one from the top if I messed up the quilting I could have started over.  
There are a few places I could have filled in a little better....but in the end I can still add some loops here and there if needed.

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