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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Generous Mother Duck

I was quite moved when I read this article in the New York Times a few weeks ago about a mother duck who adopted 76 babies.  The photo was taken by Brent Cizek and has been making its way around social media.  Wouldn't it be nice if we all could be so generous?

I don't think I could take care of 76 babies...but I do pretty well with one houseguest. My childhood friend Becky arrived this afternoon from Wisconsin and will spend this next week with me...mostly in Maine. Our first day was spent settling in and catching up and tomorrow we'll head out to some of my favorite coastal spots. 

Becky has been been my friend for 54 years! I've talked about her a lot here on the blog....our outings and adventures....our shared past....and our creative exchanges and projects.  One of my favorites was our shared can read about that here.

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