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Monday, August 6, 2018

Happy Purple

I planted a 6 pack of purple verbena along the patio in Maine.  Even with all the rain they've done pretty well giving me a steady supply of blooms all summer long. I've been vigilant about keeping them pinched back so they don't get leggy and dead headed to promote more buds. Before I left for Lexington on Saturday I deadheaded every single soggy bloom leaving just leaves and buds. Since then we had a couple of hot sunny days and this is what I came back to this afternoon....a sea of happy purple! They just exploded! Yay!

And speaking of purple....this afternoon I mounted the other stack piece I'd been working on.  I'm fairly pleased....the only thing I would have done differently is orient it just a little higher.

The focal stripe stack sits just a bit lower than I would like but it was already glued on the canvas before I realized so it was too late.  Live and learn....I'll certainly pay more attention to that next time.  I do like the simple design honoring Vicki's beautiful hand dyed fabric called Abundance. More variations of this to come!

"Abundance" might be a good name for this one...if it's OK with Vicki.


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