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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tickled Pink!

Could I be more tickled?  I think not!

I got an e-mail from Lynne today titled "MaryAnn the Muse" with a few photos from her art group called The Mixed Masters.  How great of a name is that!

They used the birch moon collage I sent Lynne as inspiration for their project. Can you see it sitting there on the table? It tickles me right down to my toes! 

Lynne and Evelyn's versions are beautiful!  Such soft and lovely color palettes....and the backgrounds are moody and artsy!  I'm loving collaged birch trees more and more!  Now I'm inspired! 

Flea made this whimsical collage inspired by a flamingo.  Love just the hint of the bird....and the textures and colors are fabulous!

Well done ladies! I'm ticked pink...flamingo pink!

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