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Saturday, April 27, 2019


Remember my little hyacinth bouquet from a week ago?  They were starting to I snipped the tops off before I went to Maine a few days ago to let them dry.  I came home today to find they turned an incredible deep blue.  I started to arrange the tiny little petals....but if I breathed to hard they just blew made me chuckle.  I may play around with them another day....or maybe not.  

Aren't they wabi-sabi wonderful!!!

Sometimes a photograph gives you a perspective that you can't get in person.  As I was putting together last night's post I realized that the little square Loretta Grayson print was standing out on the collage wall. I love it...but I'll find it another home. 

This tiny little watercolor by Laura Meddaugh  is perfect so I made the swap this morning. Because of the lighting and the glass it was hard to photograph...but it's one of Laura's "rooms with a view" she did years ago.  This one is called "And the Beach Goes On" and has a little cutout window view of the water.  It one of those special little pieces you have to see up close...and this spot is perfect for that. It's right at home with the other beachy pieces and that pop of yellow works well too. Yay!

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