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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Beach Time

I've been craving the's been a cold wet spring.

But today was a beautiful spring day so I stopped by Jane's beach in Ocean Park on my way back to Lexington. It was great getting my toes wet.

There is something exhilarating about the anticipation you feel when you walk up the path through the dunes. You can hear the ocean before you can see it.......then all of a sudden there it is in all its sparkling glory.  I hope I never stop being in awe of the ocean.

I've never posted a video on the blog before....let's see if it works.  
It looks pretty funny in the draft...and I can't play it...we'll see.
If it does....look out...I love taking videos!

It's amazing how the beach changes every year after the winter storms. Huge amounts of sand gets moved around, rocks get exposed, and the tidal stream finds a new path.  This years it's very boys would have loved it. They used to play in the stream all the time...riding their boogie boards and searching for treasures.  

A couple was walking along the beach with a colorful kite flying behind them....just a delight.

There was quite a bit of driftwood on the beach....and I came home with a nice little haul. I especially loved this heart shaped piece. Jane and I were pretty sure the orange orb is a sea nerf's been out in the elements for a while. A perfect addition to my found object jar.

Another big treat from my stop at Jane's house...was seeing the quilts she just quilted....but that's another post.  Today it's about the beach.

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