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Friday, May 24, 2019


I've been puttering in my studio in Maine for a couple days trying to get a little sense of order....but I couldn't help pausing to work on a UFO....Un-Finished-Object. 

It's the first stained glass fabric piece I made a while back....and this morning I fused the trees and branches in a navy blue.  It's not bound...because I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it...but it went from a UFO to an MFO...Mostly-Finished-Object.
When I putter I always fiddle with my shelves....rearranging...adding and subtracting. While unpacking a box I came across this sweet little angel my friend Jane gave be a while back so worked her in.  She's both whimsical and quirky.....and she just makes me smile. She's now perfectly perched to keep and eye on things in the studio.  

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