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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Common Ground

I can't help but celebrate when this blog connects me with other artists....especially when we find common ground.  Christine and I have never met. We took an on-line class together a while back and she's been following my blog ever since and she recently donated to our church school bag project. 

Christine knits and crochets....but is also a crafter and loves experimenting with fabric, yarn, and we have that in common.  She confessed that she's not much a we have that in common too.  It would be kind of fun to line up our collective "works in progress" may be a bit alarming.  But...we both agree that if we're having fun it doesn't matter what get's finished....because we do finish the important ones.

I have Christine's permission to share this delightful little quilt she finished using a pattern from a book called Dream Landscapes by Rose Hughes.

Raw edges are overlapped and covered with couched yarns and trims.  I think the colors and embroidery embellishments are just delightful. 

I'm inspired!

I hope to see her next finished project...and she'll see mine here in blog land at some point.  It is time to at least start something....or finish something already started.

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