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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Younger Self

I found this picture of me when I was visiting my sister and it got me wondering what I would tell my younger self? 

I spent way too much time in my younger years wishing I was prettier, smarter, and more popular.  As I've gotten older I'm getting better and better at being happy with who I am.

I would tell my younger self to embrace being perfectly imperfect. Character is beautiful, creativity is a form of intelligence, and being popular is totally overrated. 

Also...I would warn my younger self to not accumulate too much stuff....unless it's craft supplies...then it's OK.  😉  But it's only important if it's meaningful, useful, or brings you joy.  If it doesn't fit one of those categories...then it's just clutter and gets in the way. I'm slowly working on my clutter...I wish I would have kept up with it all along the way.