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Monday, July 8, 2019

Colors of the Farm

When I was helping my sister LaVonn pick hosta leaves for bouquets and do other outside tasks....I borrowed her chicken boots.  I may sneak them into my suitcase because I liked the way they made me feel like a farm girl again.

Every year my brother-in-law Tim plants sunflowers along his busy road.  There were just a few that were open but you can just imagine the showstopper that it will be....or should I say car stopper. I wrote a post about it back in can read it here and see many more flowers in bloom.

It's always good to see the mother plant that my rain lilies came from....and I find it charming that they are planted in a calf feeding bucket.

LaVonn's welcoming day lilies were also just starting to bloom.  I love the colors of the farm.

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