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Monday, July 8, 2019


Today was my last full day in's been so nice spending time with friends and family.  I'm going to do a little catch up for a few days on some of the things I didn't have time to share....starting with this.

Becky and I spent a lot of time talking about art....and the artists who inspire us.  One of the evenings  this last week we sat in her amazing creative space and worked on projects inspired by a couple of those artists.

I have always loved the loose watercolor bouquets by  loulei & lorra on Instagram. I think they would be a sweet insert into a card or note and have wanted to try it for quite some time.


So...inspired by this little matchbook bouquet  I gave it a whirl. I'm not very good at "loose" but you never get good at anything unless you practice.

Using Becky's watercolors and paper....I started with some random splotches. I drew in random flower and leaf shapes and loosely cut them out.  

I ended up with enough watercolor paper to make these two little matchbooks....not too bad for my first attempt.  I know how I could improve my approach....but thats why your practice.                     


I passed them on to Rosy and Tracie when we were together....and I'm certainly going to try it again.  Other artists are such an inspiration to me.


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