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Friday, July 12, 2019

Orton Park

I was quite taken with a fabric/needlework piece Tracie had hanging in her living room.  I was drawn in by the circles....and totally inspired by the story that goes along with it. 

Tracie and her husband Loon are quite passionate about taking care of the trees in their neighborhood. Loon "rescues" trees, brings them back to life, and gives them away to "anyone who has the time and space to plant them." I consulted with Becky because she has two of his trees....and she told me that Loon has a Facebook Page called the "Little Free Tree Library." How cool is that!

Tracie and Loon live right across the street from Orton Park...a peaceful and picturesque spot filled with beautiful trees.   Their daughter Ansley made this whimsical art piece mapping the trees in their beloved park....I was smitten!
The details are so much fun.....such a clever idea and the perfect gift for Tracie and Loon.

When I got to Maine today and saw blue and green circles sitting on my table and I knew immediately what I was going to do for today's card.  Inspired by Ansley's map of Orton's card #38. Playing with the map theme I used a nautical map that I had watercolored over years ago for the background and added circles that were also in my stash.  Because of the whole story that goes along with this may be my favorite so far!

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