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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Back to My Roots

I feel like I'm getting back to my roots.....I"m making paper tubes again.  After the initial introduction post on this blog...paper tubes were the first thing I wrote about back in 2015....and I've written about them many time since. I'm not sure I'll ever change the header on the blog and I continue to be grateful to Ellen for inspiring me to make them. 

My friend Linda has commissioned me to make a piece as a gift for a friend....just like the one her husband David commissioned me to make for her.  Luckily I had my supplies here in Maine and last night I settled in with Netflix and got "on a roll."

I still have quite a supply of art magazines people have given me or that I've picked up for free. The pages are filled with colorful paintings and collages so make beautiful and interesting rolled tubes.

At the end of the night I laid them out on this tray to see what colors I need more of....and what's not working....I've already pulled out a few.  I need at least three times this I'll keep rolling along.  It's the right project at the right time. 

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