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Monday, July 15, 2019

Pinks and Purples...

....and a splash of red and yellow. 

My new little gardens in Maine seem to be thriving.  In the back yard I've got pinks and purples with a splash of red and yellow. 

The red splash is actually my neighbors begonia.  There are a couple of the purple coral you can't see and the butter yellow moonbeam coreopsis is just starting to bloom.  This side is more about textures and greens....with lots of my mini hosta.

Here's the first bloom on the moonbeam. It may not be getting enough we'll see. It thrived last summer as a new plant. I gave it a little food today.  
Right at the corner of the fence by Anna's red begonia is a new Meadow Rue that David picked up for me last can barely see it. It's very tall and kind of spindly....Paul thought it was pretty funny looking as it was growing.  I saw it blooming in Linda and David's garden....and pictures of it in Tracie's garden and I was in love. I may actually move it so it's in front of the fence this fall...I think I'll be able to see it better. Or...get another one.  

The buds are tiny pinkish purple balls....and when they pop open the flower is a delicate delight. It's just starting to bloom....and very hard to photograph.
This is the photo Tracie put on Facebook last summer that I fell in love with. I don't think mine is going to perform like this...Tracie said it got 9 feet tall.

And this is a photo I took of it in David and Linda's garden last summer.  I couldn't believe how tall it got and was spectacular in person.
On the other corner of the patio I have a combination of fan flower (scaevola) and verbena in various shades of purple and pinky purple. 

Around the corner behind the rain lilies I have another type of purple verbena and Persian Shield.  I love all the purples, the pink is by default because of my precious rain lilies from my sister LaVonn. It's a happy vibrant little corner.

My purple skirt purple toenails fit right in.

Becky gave me a little clump of her white rain lilies.  I gave half to my sister LaVonn and here's my little clump.  I'm not expecting blooms this year....but we'll see.   Below is a close-up of the Persian Shield.                                                              

The colors on this corner are pretty intense...especially in photos. But are they just beautiful as the light changes throughout the day....they almost glow.

The little arrangement at the top of this post was made with the spent petals I picked off from the freesia in my kitchen window.  I actually thought they were too pretty to just throw away so I added a begonia flower and made this little flower....I'll watch it for a few days....just because. 

When I cut off the top of the begonia flower for the center of the arrangement I found these little under petals that were absolutely adorable.  I never know what's going to make me I always pay attention.  This little splash of red made me smile.  I hope something made you smile today. And...congratulations is you made it to the end of this post!  I kind of got carried away. 

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