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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Playful Patterns

I loved working with the playful patterns from the Gudrun catalogs for today's card.  I shopped my box of cut and folded pieces for this quick and fun little project.  I'm loving my creative daily practice!

Using a glue stick I layered the folded papers and trimmed it up at the end.  Easy peasy.

I made yesterday's card out of some hideously bad gel-plate mono print experiments I did sometime last year...they aren't quite so bad cut up.  Since I made them I've watched several videos so I know I can do better.  There aren't enough hours in the day for all the things I want to do.

After rolling more paper tubes for my commission project...I trimmed them up today and touched the edges with a gold paint pen. I still may need more....but I'll figure that out as I go along.

Step three is glueing them onto a wooden base wrapping a little gold thread as I go.  I've always been quite fond of these little snippets I trim off the ends.                                                                                        

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