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Monday, August 5, 2019


The weather shifted so the windows were open today and the fresh air felt so good. It was almost "cool" when I worked in the gardens early this morning and I'll have to admit that I really liked it. I prefer cool over hot any day.

And it's always a good day when I have lunch with Muffy and Peggy....two very dear and delightful friends.  After lunch I spent some time with Muffy in her studio...where real art happens.

I came home with fresh tomatoes from her garden...minus a few I ate in the car.
Muffy made me a bookmark using punched circles from copies of the little collages I made when I helped her with her workshop....the project that keeps on giving.

I'm always quite taken with Muffy's beautiful calligraphy and I came home with a few inspirational quotes and prayers. Once she creates an original...she copies it...then plays with it adding color and sizing it for various projects.  She recently made some lovely cards from one of her little collages.
Such a simple...but beautiful design.
And isn't the title perfect?

I especially love this quote. It feels more and more these days that life needs to start anew. Things need to change....I look forward to the singing.

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