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Monday, September 9, 2019

100 Day Connection

"We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice."  Diane Darrow

I mentioned a while back that my dear friend Tracie started her own 100 day project doing a little watercolor day. 

Today she congratulated me on my project completion and was excited to share progress on her own.  She sent me photos of some of her daily paintings and gave me permission to share them here. She's on day in the home stretch. What a joyful way to start my day!

This robot is a delightful rendering of one of her grandson's creations...complete with a bouquet of flowers.   
I am inspired to paint! Thank you Tracie!

 Thank you Tracie for reminding me why I love doing this so just never know what  will inspire someone else.  Thank you for this 100 day connection!

I think this feathery floral is my favorite.

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