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Sunday, September 8, 2019

100 Days!

"Do something quick, creative, and do it without fear.  Don't think too much or better yet, don't think at all.  See where it leads.The Daisy Yellow Index Card a Day Challenge 2019

Today marks day 100....of my 100 day index card project. I was in Maine this past whole week quietly puttering away in my studio when I had the chance wrapping it up.  It was important to me to finish on day that's what I did. This has been one of the best disciplined activities I've done in a long time...just for me....and for no reason that just to do it.  But I'm glad it's's time to move on...I have no idea what's next.
Here's the home stretch all in one post.

little weaving on card number #90. 



A year or two ago I bought a watercolor coloring book...the floral images are outlined in either gold or silver metallic so "resist" the watercolor.  I've only painted a few pages...but punched up some of them for card #91. 

This is what it looked like before I trimmed it up.

I was thrilled when I found this box of  pre-cut are magazine squares and circles left from a previous project.....perfect for card #92 with leftover circles for #93.

Back when I made the tree quilt with the metallic confetti dot fabric I did an experiment with the fused scraps.  I never really liked there it sat.  I sliced off a chunk for card #94.

Several years ago....Becky and I traded little bird watercolors.  I probably did 5 or 6 versions before I was happy enough with one to send. This is the only reject that was sized about right for a card.  
This is a little piece of one of my experiments with an acrylic under-layer...then overpainting with white.
Just a random doodle in one of my sketchbooks.

This was originally an attempt at a whimsical landscape painting inspired by something I saw on line....turned sideways it's abstract art.....right? 
The half circle is left from the project above.

Turned back the other's back to a landscape with a setting sun.

An overdone marker and pen doodle....became card #99.  The larger wonky circle has been floating around for about 10 years....but chopped down to size it now has a purpose.

And finally #100.  This is actually part of a larger square piece I made for my stacks show.  Interestingly enough it's one of the few pieces that Dr. Adams didn't want to hang for reasons that aren't important right now.  I ripped it apart (in frustration at the time) and reused the canvas....but for some reason I saved the parts that weren't ruined in the destruction process.  I still love the colors and working with stacks of fabrics is something I'll go back to again and again. It seemed perfect for #100....part of an ACTUAL reject.  Repurposing leftovers and experiments and honoring rejects was the overall theme of this project.  

I just bought myself a $20 overhead tripod and had fun playing with some videos. You can check them out in this Instagram Post:

The joy of 100 Day ICAD project of summer 2019.

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