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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Glass and Grapes

Today was a chore day.....and although cleaning bathrooms, laundry, and going though piles of mail are all good things....they don't make for a good blog post.  So I thought I would share a few things that didn't make it into previous posts.

When I was at Jane's for the wedding I got to see my stained glass piece all installed in her bathroom and I think it looks pretty good.  I'm quite fond of the mixture of patterns in the clear glass.
Did I mention Jane and Andy have grapes? 

I've been there dozens and dozens of times but never realized they were there.  Or maybe I just forgot....that's entirely possible too. The best thing about forgetting is that you get to see them again for the first time.  The colors and textures were amazing...and they tasted pretty good too!

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