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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Field Trip

Anita and I took a field trip to visit Linda at her beach house in Southern was a delight from start to finish.  I've written about David and Linda's place's always a treat to wander the gardens and paths, listen to the waves and birds, and smell the sea air.

I was immediately drawn to the beautiful bouquet on Linda's table...I needed to know more. She told me it was ironweed....and I was anxious to see it in the garden.

photo found on-line
Every time I visit David and Linda's gardens....there's always something big and tall that captures my attention.  Last year it was the meadow rue.....the year before that it was castor bean.  This year it was ironweed.

It was over 7 feet tall and although it's hard to see in the photo...the deep purple color against the blue sky was stunning.

We visited York beach...just steps away from the house with a view of Nubble Lighthouse way out there on the point.....

....then took a little drive and got a closer look.

We had a lovely lunch in York Harbor and wandered through a park along the shore.

Most public sculptures are large....but these bronze beach people were tiny and having a good time partying and sun bathing on a rock with a great view of the water.

I was most taken with the reader sitting on the edge. I've been working on my yearly reader calendar for my this guy made me smile and think of Liz.  I'll be sharing that project soon.

It was an amazing day....I'm not sure you can pack more joy into a day.

Thanks Linda and Anita!

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