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Friday, October 18, 2019

Curly Sticks

I settled in and wrapped some curly sticks I had on hand with the same rainbow yarn I recently used on some wheat.  It was the perfect mindfully mindless activity after a busy day trying to make best use of the space in our small one car garage at the condo.  It wasn't glamorous work....but it had to be done and it was good to have help from my handy friend Jackson. We made good progress.

This first batch features the same yummy scheme from yesterday.  I will work through all the colors but this is as far as I got today. I think it's going to be a fun bouquet.


My fabric stash is all mixed up so I also started organizing today.  And...I'll have to admit I love the way fabric looks all stacked up.

I ordered some of the new metallic confetti dot colors...and now it's all together ready for the right project. 

 I could have sold this tree quilt piece several times at one of my I hope to revisit the concept.  I'm still quite drawn to  working with trees.

And I've been collecting striped fabric for quite some time and it's all finally in one least what I could lay my hands on.  I've seen some amazing quilts featuring hope to play around with these in due time.

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