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Monday, October 21, 2019

Long Term Connection

I love a good story....especially one about connections.

Most Monday mornings several of us gather at the church and work on projects....sometimes our own and sometimes a church service a matter of fact we are known as the "Project Group."  Today I folded stars. Anita came with a letter in her hand....ready to be mailed after group.  I knew she wrote her stepmother letters on a regular basis....but not until this morning at project group did I hear the whole story and fully absorb the scope of this wonderful long term connection.

Every week since 1978 Anita and her stepmother Elinor have been exchanging letters. They chit chat sharing details of their week, and Anita shares pictures of her granddaughter helping great grandma Elinor feel closer even though she lives far away. They made a decision to stay connected and have loyally honored it all these years.

Now just in case you didn't do the math....that's 41 years....over 2100 letters going each way! Think about that for a minute....pretty impressive don't you think! And the "hi Barb" on the top of the letter is a greeting from Anita to Elinor's neighbor Barb who picks up the mail....another nice connection.

I love everything about this story!  Joy!

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