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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Secondary Motives

As I walked into church this morning I noticed the tall zinnias had all fallen over and were looking a bit messy. I've enjoyed them all season....even as they started to fade and am grateful to Cheryl for planting them.

I took this picture at the beginning of September....

...and this one today. I should have taken a picture before I pulled them out.

This is the reason I wanted another station wagon.....I think that new used car smell is officially gone.  

I will admit I had secondary motives to this church service project....I wanted the spent blooms.

I stopped by my house and cut off all the blooms I could get to....then when I dropped them at the transfer facility I cut off the rest.

When I got home I dumped them onto the grass and made a wreath.  Unfortunately it was getting late in the afternoon by this time and the lighting was terrible and no amount of fiddling with settings or photo editing could make it better.  But I played around a little and may have another go of it tomorrow.

I did get true color with this close-up.  Let's hear it for secondary movies.

Joyful puttering at its best!

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