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Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Just yesterday my sister Marilyn asked me if my gingko tree had dropped its leaves and I told her it hadn't even turned yellow yet.  I was wrong!  As I was walking around my yard this morning I noticed the south side is almost all yellow and the rest is well on its way.  How did I miss this!  Last time I looked it was still green.  A good reminder to take time to look.

For those of you who are new to this blog or aren't familiar with ginkgo trees.....they tend to drop their leaves all on one day and it's one of my favorite days of the year.  A few years conditions weren't right and the leaves just went from yellow to brown and fell off over a few days....but most years there's a spectacular day where it rains yellow leaves.  I wonder what will happen this year!

You can celebrate a ginkgo day here and read about why it happens here.

There still is a lot of beautiful color in the I spent some time looking.

Even the little mouse ears hosta is beautiful as it fades away to rest.
And the dwarf goats beard is a lovely shade of peach.
I was surprised to see a blossom on my thistle....I wonder if it will have a chance to bloom before we get a frost.

It was a beautiful fall day outside....but I channeled spring inside and sat with my morning coffee at my puzzle table making just a tiny bit or progress.  I'm starting with pink and pinky red.....and they all kind of looked the same.  This one is going to take some patience, attention to detail, and lots of looking!

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