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Tuesday, October 29, 2019


This puzzle has been in my closet for's not my usual style so I've avoided it.  I think the colors are gorgeous so I'm going to give it a go. 

It's a long 1000 piece 14" x 39" panoramic and takes up the whole width of my puzzle table. Yesterday at project group I sorted the edge pieces and did the best I could separating the rest by color.  I think it will help....I'll need all the help I can get. 

A few days ago I started strip piecing some Kaffe stripe scraps with solids and wasn't quite sure how to use them.  This morning I started sewing them into chunks and alternating the direction of stripes in the next chunk.  The solids will be nice pops of color here and there and the stripes going each way will give it interest. I sound like I know what I'm doing....but I'm just winging it hoping for the best. 

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