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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Oak Tree

I can't help myself from celebrating fall....but I just delivered 125 Christmas matches to Folly 101. 

I cut the papers back in August...that was good forward thinking!                                                          
I added yesterday's oak leaves and acorns to my other fall finds in my centerpiece bowl. Can you spy the one thing I picked up back in April at a friends house?  The answer can be found in this post.

We have a medium sized oak tree in the front yard of the condo that has just started to drop acorns....and I couldn't help but pick up a few as I was packing the car to head back to Lexington.

Speaking of cars.....I still miss my blue station wagon....
but I am loving our new (used) Prius wagon.

I think these acorns dropped early....they were very green...and had that pretty yellow cap that I like.                     

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