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Tuesday, November 5, 2019


"A great many things can be resolved with kindness, even more with laughter, but there are some things that just require cake."
from a curly girl greeting card

Linda loaned me the perfect puzzle.  It's really one that could have been done in one sitting....but I stretched it out over a couple of days.  I've been in a cleaning/puttering mode here at the condo so this was the perfect transition project in between tasks.

I finished it by candlelight this dark and rainy afternoon while I was waiting for Paul to arrive.

It's such a charming image....4 lovely ladies with attitude and their prize cakes.  It was the right puzzle at the right time.  In just a few days my condo is going to be full of ladies...more on that soon.

As I was cleaning I found sweet little reminders that just a few weeks ago there were kids in the condo:  hair bands, a barrette, and a couple of little lego pieces.  I'll be sure to get these back to Leighton and Emerson.

And....I can't help but share another story about Elle and her stars....which actually can be read as a comment on yesterday's post. Elle sat in a meeting yesterday and quietly folded a star.  When she was done...she passed it to the person sitting next to her "sharing it forward." I couldn't be more tickled. Pure joy!


  1. When we stayed at an airbnb in Oregon last month, the owner had a partially finished puzzle set up on a table. It was great fun to spend a few minutes here and there putting in pieces!
