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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Not So Messy Projects

As I've written about before....I've had 1/2 a cathedral window quilt hanging in my studio for a couple of years now. Back in May I reported that I needed 56 more white squares to finish the other half and I took it on the road with me when I visited my sister and have worked on it only a few times since.

Yesterday my friend Jane came over and we stitched while we visited and as of today I only need 22 more white squares. This quilt is all done by hand so it's a good take-a-long project....but maybe I should start doing it more while I sitting at home this fall/winter. The end is in sight.

Once I have all the squares made and stitched together for the middle three rows....I'll take this half off the wall and plan the colors to connect the two halves.

I've been in a cleaning and organizing mode at the this kind of hand sewing is good because I don't make big messes.  I've got company I'm keeping big messes at a minimum.
The other project that doesn't make a big mess is wrapping sticks. I set out to wrap curly sticks with rainbow yarn until I worked through the whole color repeat.  

I'm on #18 (clusters of 3 sticks) and I still haven't gotten through all the colors....I may have to buy more sticks.  I think in the end it's going to be a whimsical and splashy bouquet.  They are really hard to photograph....and look 100% more yummy in person. 

Here's to not so messy projects!

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