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Monday, November 11, 2019

Life Lessons....

....from my puzzle.  Yep....that's what I meant to say.

Ever since I came home with this fabulous pencil puzzle from the knitting ladies I've been dying to start.  But I have a puzzle going.....a beautiful iris puzzle...and it's hard!  I keep telling myself that at any point I feel like I'm not making progress and/or not enjoying it I'm going to abandon it. And secretly I've been hoping that's what would happen.

Sometimes I can sit for 10 or 15 minutes and find nothing....then the next time I find 6 or 8 right in a row. This one is all about the subtle details and shades....and it's going to be slow going.

So I hope to see it through and appreciate the challenge and enjoy the colors.


Life Lessons from my puzzle: (and you thought I wasn't serious 😊)

Be present with what's right in front of me rather than anticipating the future. The pencil puzzle will be there.
Embrace the's fun to find new strategies and challenges are good for me.
Practice patience.  This one is just going to take time.....enjoy the process.
Keep it in's just a puzzle.

And....remember to enjoy the view from my puzzle table.

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