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Sunday, November 10, 2019


I'm still basking in the glow of ginkgo day....literally and figuratively. So today I'm celebrating the afterglow. I know, I know....a bit corny....I can't help myself.

Last night's dusky sky was a lovely backdrop to the yellow carpet.

The leaves are everywhere...covering surfaces and tucked into little nooks and crannies.  They just make me smile.

 I love the contrast of the yellows and the greens....and the yellows and red.

There are a few stragglers still hanging on....but it's mostly done for another year. Thank you for putting on such a great show Mr. ginkgo!

I've had people tell me that I should be grateful we have a male tree. Female ginkgo trees produce fruit that falls with the leaves that stinks like vomit. Somehow I'm not sure I'd be basking in the afterglow if it smelled like vomit.

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