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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Upstairs Tour

My son Sam humored me today and took some photos while I tried to make a ginkgo angel.  It didn't work....but it was fun trying.

There's a silly video here on Instagram.

Yep....I love ginkgo day!

As's a tour of the upstairs spaces at the condo.

My studio is usually a chaotic, colorful mess. And although some of you may think that it still should have seen it a few weeks ago.  Little by little I've been moving most of craft supplies from Lexington and it's still very much a work in progress. When I have a full house of guests it doubles at a sleeping space so it needed some attention.  Not that long ago this twin bed was completely covered in fabric and miscellaneous this and that.

I will admit there was a fair amount of stacking and stashing....but there also was some actual organizing that happened too. While it was somewhat orderly I took a some photos.

I love sitting at my work table facing the window....
...but I'm also quite happy in this chair in the corner.  I have another perspective out the window and easy access to supplies. The space on the shelf is prime real estate for the at some point I need to rethink and reorganize.  

Part of winterizing the gardens is bringing in my massive rain lily pots.  I stop watering them, let the foliage die back then put them in the closet until spring.  You can see them tucked under my table.  
I have a large bulletin board on one wall where I pin ideas, inspiration and some of my favorite things.  The cutouts of bottles and bowls along the top are all from catalogs and magazines....I can't help but cut them out.

Paul made this shelf for me years ago and it works well here on my cutting table.  It holds some of my treasures giving me a colorful view when I'm working. It's where I'm displaying the bottle treasures from my sister Angie.

I enjoy these sweet little vessels from Jane sitting on my circles and squares experiment

And this little set of bowls is an image from the Boston Globe Sunday Magazine.  I love things all stacked up and they look cute sitting on the "grow your own way" greeting card I mounted on a paint panel. 
Right next door to the studio is a cheerful bedroom.  The yellow chair is command central for wrapping sticks and wheat.  The footstool is a work in progress....I found it on the side of the road 
and I'm going to upholster the top.

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