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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Make it Work

"Use it up, wear it out, make it work, or do without."
author unknown

More and more....these are words I'm trying to live by.

The fabric wall panels for Margie's bedroom are done....and just in time for her official family birthday celebration tomorrow. They're far from perfect....but I think they just might be good enough.  And it felt good to mostly use recycled materials and just make it work.

I had to chuckle a bit because I didn't realized until they were completely done and I stacked them up that they're not all the same size.  The two on the left are a bit longer and wider than the one on the right.  Oops!  My intention has always been to hang them in this stair-step now I'll have to hoping to make the size difference less noticeable.  As the old sayings go...."make it work" and "done is better than perfect."

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