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Friday, November 22, 2019

Phase Three

Just for fun I put this photo from yesterday's post into the palette builder and was quite taken with the serene color scheme. Other than the pop of's the perfect segue into the next phase of Margie's recycled wall panels.

I needed to secure the fabric to the back and was pleased to learn that a staple gun worked well...even on the cardboard. For those of you haven't been following...the bases are recycled cardboard forms for fabric bolts. The backs aren't pretty....but they don't have to be.
I last reported that I found some commercial trim to cover the long horizontal seams....but needed something less heavy for the smaller ones. I auditioned ribbons and trims from my stash and even did a bit of shopping with no luck. 
In the end I decided to make my own using strips of upholstery fabric. Some of the fabric has a very distinctive loose weave and can be cut and fringed to made trim-like strips.  The advantage of this is that it keeps the color scheme very tight and doesn't introduce yet another element.  

After some auditioning I decided to go mostly with this one particular fabric that worked from both sides.  I could use the dark blue side where I needed the contrast...and the lighter softer side in a few other places.  I got things glued down this evening  and hope to finish them up stay tuned for the fourth and final phase of this recycled fabric project.

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