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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Soaking It In

"I don't mind being busy as long as it doesn't go on and on and get in the way of me spreading my arms out wide and soaking the whole world in."  Brian Andreas

The pond at the condo was smooth as glass late this afternoon and Paul and I soaked in that stunning reflection as we kick off a nice long stretch here in Portland.

I mentioned yesterday that I started decorating my Lexington house for Christmas.  For two days I decorated a while....then sat at the puzzle table....decorated for a while....then sat at the puzzle table...over and over.  My goal was to finish this iris puzzle before our party on the 6th because the kids at the party use the table for their games and puzzles. But this morning (as I was riveted by Fiona Hill's testimony) I finished it up. This one was challenging and rewarding and it's up for grabs if anyone wants it.  I don't think I'll do it again.  I am going to let it sit here until the party....and just soak in the beautiful colors.

I was absolutely sure this piece was missing and I braced myself for the blow at the end. Every time I sat down this past week I looked for a bright orange and rusty red just wasn't there.

I know it's clear in these zoomed in photos...but I hadn't looked closely enough at the pieces around it or at the box cover.  It wasn't going to be just orange and was also going to be purple....and in the end have hardly any red at all.  And this morning there it was....waiting patiently to be noticed looking totally different than I expected.  Certainly there's a lesson in that.  😌


  1. You might check with a local hospital to see if they have a stash of games and puzzles for people who are in the hospital for extended stays. When my sister was undergoing chemo, she had to stay at the H and they had a family game room with lots of puzzles. Long story! haha. Anyway, we donated a bunch more to this room for future patients and families to use.
