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Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Just being practical.

I don't like rushing a season.  I do my best to be present and enjoy what's happening right now.  I'd rather let things linger after the fact than start too early. But this year I have to think practically at my house in Lexington.

Starting tomorrow Paul is on vacation and we will be in Maine through Thanksgiving weekend.  Then...less than a week when we return we will be hosting a church staff Christmas party at our home in Lexington.

So yesterday I was giving "anskth" and today I put my little "Give Thanks" blocks away,  put on some Christmas music, and did some early Christmas decorating.

I always smile when I pull my felt garlands out of the box...they're the first things to go on the tree.

Once we get to Maine...I'll switch back to Thanksgiving and birthday celebration mode.  I certainly don't want to rush any of that!

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