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Friday, November 15, 2019

Phase One

Tomorrow (Saturday) is my mother-in-law Margie's 88th birthday. She moved to Maine a year and 1/2 ago from her life long home of Colorado and Paul and I are so pleased to have her in our lives on a regular basis. Phase one of the celebration was today with a birthday waffle breakfast out and about. Happy Birthday Margie! 🎉🎈

Phase two will be next weekend when we will gather with our sons at the condo to celebrate as a whole family.

Today was also phase one of a fabric art piece for Margie's bedroom. It's been on my mind ever since she moved into her new apartment...and today was the day I finally got started. Her bedroom is a peaceful soothing space with one wall filled with photos and memorabilia from her childhood that I wrote about here in this post.

I have a nice collection of upholstery samples of all colors from my friend Melodee and there were many swatches that coordinated perfectly with the soft blues and browns in her room.

Using recycled cardboard forms from fabric bolts as my base I started piecing together three fabric panels. I adhered the fabric pieces onto the front of the cardboard with heavy gel medium and will wrap and anchor the fabric to the back and cover the seams with some sort of braiding or cording.

Now that I'm seeing this photo as I write this post I might make a few changes.  I think the piece on the right has too much gold and the other two may need a little more dark blue for balance. I should be able to pull up the fabric and replace it....or add little pieces here and there. Contrasting trim will also make a big difference so I won't make any decisions until I audition the trim...which I need to figure out.  So far this whole project is from recycled materials so I may try and be creative on my solutions for the trim.

Stay tuned for Phase two...on both fronts.