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Monday, February 17, 2020

Field Trip

"Grateful for where I'm at, excited about where I'm going."

Anita and I took a little field trip this morning stopping at severals consignment and thrift shops in and around Acton and Concord. Neither one of us bought anything but it was a beautiful day to be out and about.

We both share the BSO (bright shiny object) had to chuckle when we saw this sign.  Something doesn't even have to be shiny to distract me....but if it is....there's no hope.

I thought I would tag a little puzzle observation on the end of this post....maybe because the antique shopping reminded me of the vintage quilts I'm currently working on.  Or maybe the BSO (bright shiny object) syndrome reminded me that I also have a little visual spacial issue.  

There's not one ordinary shaped piece in this puzzle...and one might think that would make it easy.  But I can't look at a spot and find the piece based on shape....color is the only thing I can count on.  I can actually have a piece in my hand that I'm certain fits in a spot and either it doesn't....or I have to try it in every direction before I find the right way. 
I'm loving every minute of's just a different kind of challenge.

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