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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"Land Art"

Sometimes you just have to take a day and clean.....and when I do it's quite satisfying...but it doesn't make for a very interesting blog post. So today I'm celebrating Tamas Kanya, a Hungarian artist who also creates art from nature.....similar but different to Jon Foreman I wrote about a week or so ago. Tomas sculpts with stones, snow and ice, driftwood, and other natural elements.

This was the image that came across my Facebook feed and I had to look twice to realize it was rocks.

Tamas' Land Art Facebook page is worth checking out...especially the video at the top of his page.  I't a backward mind bender....and you just have to see it to understand. You can see it here:

I was quite taken with these simple snow cairns....

...and his interesting driftwood sculptures.

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