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Thursday, February 13, 2020

How I (don't) Clean

Paul and I are in Maine for a few days and my intention was to spend the snowy day cleaning my studio. What actually happened was a few minutes of cleaning and organizing.... then a little paper printing....a few minutes of organizing....then a little experiment playing with papers.  That's usually how I clean. Or I guess I should say that's how I don't clean.

And....I sorted the pieces and started a quilt puzzle....a familiar one from years ago.  I'll have to do it sideways so it fits on the table.                                                                             
While my craft table was still a mess from not cleaning I decided to make more light colored solids on the gel press. I'll add more layers and texture next time I try to clean.  ðŸ˜‰  I didn't have anywhere near enough variety of light yellows for the class project so that's what I focused on.  I still need to work on getting this first layer really light.  Once I's hard to stop.  I had papers drying everywhere.


Good things happen when the gel plate has left over paint from previous printings....random color variations.

Back to organizing....but as I was cleaning up some scraps I stopped to do a quick experiment that was in my head inspired by a few things I saw on Pinterest.

I marked off a 5 x 7 frame on a piece of heavy watercolor paper and glued down some random green stems.  I gave it very little thought....just used what was close at was just an experiment. And I often use my little experiments as cards and I have a couple sisters with birthdays coming up. 

I covered the top in blue papers....and didn't really like the way it looked. But because of that last step on my class project where I painted the negative spaces it occurred to me I could paint over it with a very dry brush and still get the texture of the papers underneath. Next I added the little scraps as a nod to a spring flower garden. I think there's potential with a little more thought and planning. I had a lot of fun NOT cleaning.


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