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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Walks Are Good

Walks are a good thing.  Sometimes I have to really push myself and I'm most certainly more of a fair weather walker.....but I always feel better after a walk.  And the best thing about a walk is you never know what you might happen upon.

Yesterday I walked with was a little misty...but just delightful.  This persistent clump of grass in a column caught our eye as well as this wasp nest sitting on the edge of a lawn. Pretty impressive geometry.                                                           

At the very same time I was photographing the nest....another woman was photographing this plant covered with beads of rain just a few feet ahead.  I'm so glad she looks and sees things too otherwise I I might have missed these beautiful colors and textures.

This morning was a lovely sunny morning to walk and on my way to meet Anita I found this curly purple metallic ribbon.  It's going to live on the window sill next to Paul's latest find....a yellow feather.  Morning walks....and things to see and pick up....are good things.

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